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Fan magnet

Introduction advantages of injection multipole magnet ring for bldc ceiling fan

Why use injection moulded multipole magnetic rings on ceiling fans? What are its main uses above? Next, Xiaofu, a manufacturer of Courage magnets, will tell you about the advantages of injection moulded multipole magnetic rings for suspension fan brushless motor....

We can provide the materials and specifications of these fan motor ring magnet

The following are several types of magnets commonly used for fan motors. Most of them are 10 pole internally charged, with strong inner circle magnetism and molds. You are welcome to ask for samples and prices, and support customization....

DC ceiling fan motor arc shaped ceramic ferrite magnet

This product is a DC fan motor arc magnetic tile, sintered ferrite material, composed of 8 magnets, using radial magnetization, material grade is Y30, Y30BH, C5, C8, some customers of micro ceiling fans are switching to injection molding Magnets, because the magnetic tile + glue method is time-consuming and labor-intensive....