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  • Sweeping robot magnet

Sweeping robot magnet

Axial 8 pole injection molded ring magnet for sweeping robot

This product is a hall induction injection-molded 8-pole ring ferrite magnet for sweepers. The number of magnetizing poles is mainly 8-pole, 16-pole, 24-pole, and 32-pole in the axial direction. Customers who need this injection-molded magnetic ring can contact the website customer service for consultation. Sample, bulk price....

Smart sweeping robot multipole ring magnet 24 poles

This product is an encoder ring magnet for an intelligent sweeping robot. The material is injection-molded ferrite, and some use injection-molded NdFeB. It is mainly used for the left and right wheels of the sweeper. The magnetization methods mainly include axial 2-pole, 8-pole, and 24-pole. , 32 poles, etc....